
Topic: Gaming Resolutions for the New Year of 2023

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@johncalmc “I didn't play a single Switch Online game in 2023. Even when we had a power cut. I just read a book.”

What a wasted opportunity. The Universe was trying to toss you a softball and you whiffed. Reading?! Pfffftt…

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


ralphdibny wrote:

Same here. They are not so much resolutions for me as they are necessities that have been occurring naturally.

Play less - I just have less time and less mood at the moment. I'm not sure how long that will last.

Buy less - well I have less money. I still wouldn't mind loading another ton on to my Nintendo account so I can get a bunch of DS games on the Wii U (just in case) before the shop closes but I really don't know if I'm going to be able to do that

In terms of games I want to play. I think I want to play more of the games I own rather than "ticking off" ps plus games or hitting up the "leaving soon" on game pass.

A few games on my shelf/in my digital library that have been catching my eye lately:

  • Dragonball Z Kakarot (I may wait for the free Series X upgrade)
  • The first Ace Attorney game (I bought the Turnabout collection on Switch recently)
  • Astral Chain
  • the platinum games TMNT/Transformers games (picked these up in CEX a little while back)
  • Spider man DLC and also miles morales
  • I started fist of the north star a lil while back as well so I should probably finish that even if I don't feel like playing it very much

I might (but not definitely) have another play through of the splinter cell games this year. I've been buying up the Xbox (because they have the FPS boost on that system) versions when I see them in CEX using the meagre credit I've attained from clearing out my DVD collection (overcoming my hoarding is probably a non gaming resolution as well)

Lol I didn't play any of the games in that list 😔

ralphdibny wrote:

I'm also tempted to play a couple games from my Wii library that I bought really cheap not long after release but never played. A Shadows Tale and Pandora's tower. Mainly because they have accrued significant value over the years and as I have no personal attachment to them, I am thinking of selling them on. Should probably play them through first though! (Both are unsealed but PT is the collector's edition with the steelbook)

I didn't do this either 😂. I did take them out of my shelf ready to play and sell but I never got around to it!

See ya!


I usually do all right with my resolutions but this year was tough, and gaming took a back seat.

1. Horizon Forbidden West
Nope. Got deleted to make space after my eldest finished it, and hasn't been touched since.

2. Suikoden remasters
Didn't manage to complete these sadly, although I'll cut myself some slack on this one, since they weren't actually released.

3. Astrobot Rescue Mission
Nope. The VR got bundled away, only to make a brief reappearance in the summer. An expensive white elephant.

4. Replay Elden Ring with a completely different build
Yes! I played a full-on strength build, something I've never done in a souls game before, since I always rely on zipping about the place, and rolling out of trouble. Not only did I do it, but it was one of the most enjoyable gaming experiences I've had. Once I'd decided I was going to main the giant anchor weapon, I gave my character an eye patch and role-played the whole thing as a drunken angry pirate. Bring on the DLC.

5. Firewatch
Nope. It it wasn't for looking back at this thread, I'd have forgotten I bought it.

It seems we've all struggled with our resolutions this time. Do we have a 2024 thread yet?

Good job, Parappa. You can go on to the next stage now.

PSN: Hallodandy


@RogerRoger LOL I shoulda put 'Play Less.' Woulda aced that one. Spent probably 5 or so months barely touching a video game this year.

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

PSN: Ralizah


@Gremio108 I kept focused on my commitments here, but I just noticed how abysmally I did on the non-gaming resolution thread. Not so good over there.

And, yeah, I don’t see that anyone’s done a 2024 thread yet so maybe I’ll start one up

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@kyleforrester87 lol thank you, but I kinda wish I'd dug deeper into 2023's titles. I got so invested in my own universe that I kinda fell out with pretty much any media for a while and just got stuck in my own universe of fasting, meditation, working out, dousing burning bridges, building new bridges, and working through personal trauma. It was transformative.

But it also means I stopped dead in my tracks with TotK, didn't touch Pikmin 4, failed to wrap up Future Redeemed, etc.

Got so many games to play now in my backlog, holy crappoli.

@Th3solution Do it!

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

PSN: Ralizah


I managed to achieve my main resolutions for last year.

1) Reduce backlog by at least 5 games: This was looking real shaky for most of the year. Thankfully, I was in the mood for some shorter games towards the end of 2023, which helped to get more games completed. By my count, my backlog shrunk by 6 games.

2) Clear all Wii games from by backlog: Yep, all done now. I played through some bigger names (including some Metroid Prime, Pikmin, and Zelda), along with some smaller curiosities.

I didn't do too well on the "nice to have" aspirations though. I didn't play that many games on my Switch or PS Vita last year, and didn't get around to trying out Dark Souls.


@crimsontadpoles It's always impressive when you can put an entire console's back catalogue to bed (doubly so when it's a console as successful as the Wii). Nicely done!

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@crimsontadpoles Wii/Wii U are next up on my kill list after PS4. Good work!

I found Dark Souls pretty addictive on my Switch OLED, since it was simple to duck in and out throughout the day on a whim in offline mode. Highly recommend that version.

@kyleforrester87 What a sweetie! Thank you.

Yeah, it's time to take up my gamer mantle again and actually play stuff now that my life is somewhat course-corrected. Was going good on Bloodborne for a couple of weeks. Really need to mop that up this month.

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

PSN: Ralizah

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